long post The Legend of Zelda Zelda 2B(YoRHa) NieR Automata Samus Aran Ninomae Ina'nis Shantae удалённое Gawr Gura Metal Gear фэндомы Metroid Kid Icarus Hololive Pokemon trainers Pokemon Characters Marvel Игры Nier (series) Pokémon Shantae Characters Xenoblade Virtual YouTuber Xenoblade 2 artist Сериалы Shantae franchise daisy(mario) 2p Falcon Perrin (Pokemon) a2 pneuma (xenoblade 2) Officer Jenny AutomaticGiraffe Nurse Joy A zelda (breath of the wild) James (Pokémon) walter white lusamine (pokemon) TV Shows risky boots mythra (xenoblade) Pyra (Xenoblade 2) Palutena rottytops Cynthia (Pokemon) Jessie (Pokémon) Bea (Pokemon) Solid Snake Nessa (Pokémon) Midna Ouro Kronii Breaking Bad Gwen Stacy